If your problem consists in categorizing or stratifying specific data of your Excel Spreadsheet information, then Categorizing Data for Excel is the solution.
Is an Excel addin that, allows you: - Categorizing records in a database, based on a category table.. - Extracting unique values from a column in a database and building another table with that data. - Stratifying time by: years, months, weeks and inclusive days lapsed. - Making stratification based in a correspondence one-to-one. - knowing if a particular table is well designed, using "stratification table sufficiency" tool. - Separating a column in its different parts o categories. and more...
Categorizing Data for Excel is a part of Model Assistant Suite; wherefore, if you purchase this product you will obtain a special discounting for the rest of components.
This product is an addin for Microsoft Excel that, allows you:
* Categorizing records in a database, based on a category table.
* Extracting unique values from a column in a database and building another table with that data.
* Stratifying time by: years, months, weeks and inclusive days lapsed.
* Making stratification based in a correspondence one-to-one.
* Knowing if a particular table is well designed, using "stratification table sufficiency" tool.
* Separating a column in its different parts o categories.
* And more...